vendredi, septembre 12, 2008

Picasa Web Album?????

I try to publish a photo to see where is this expansive Picasa Web Album which blogger and I don't need. If we cannot more publish photos, we shall publish only videos.
We give for free on blogs our artistic works to the world : photos, poems, literary and scientific texts, music, vidéos, and so on....
Some people do the same or worst artistic works on books, commercial recordings, and so on and are paid vey much for it.
We are paid nothing for it.
And we must pay for it.
It is like music : I'm composer, have a beautiful voice and I play guitar like a professional.
In my life as non-professional I have paid :
- Music schools to have the right to play on music-school concerts and exams, it was a long time the only way I could play and sing for people other than my family.(Sometimes were the teachers not better than me, but it was a way to let know people I play well).
- choirs : I had to pay the price of the way to the concerts which were sometimes hundred kilometers far from home. I sung never solo, so I gave money for the choir, but was an anonym in it.
- Summer courses : I had to pay a lot of money to hear the courses, or take the courses, to hear at the teacher's concerts, to pay an eating better than the every day one, and to pay a room to sleep. So I got the right to play on courses concerts and exams, when the teachers thought I was enough good to do it.
- Exams and contests : I had always to pay an account of money to get the right to do them, and to play for people, but I won a price in money only a time : it was not so expansive as the account of money I gave to participate in the contest.
- I never got money to play music, to play my compositions, and so on...
- I never got money for my poems of literature texts on Internet which everyone can read. And never publshed somewhere else.
- I never got money for my photos, although some of them are very well and could be in magazines.
- I never got money for my courses of german on the Internet.
- I only got money for my job : teach german to young people between 11 and 18.
And now I must pay to publish my photos, when other get a lot money for their photos and perharps they got a lot of money to publish MY photos on newspapers, perharps they win photography contests with MY photos.... ?????
Life is a non-sense,
And I would thing an old folk song of my old North Country Land (between the 50° and 51° North Latitude), where to get warm rooms in winter is expansive :
"Ali, Alo, pour Machero, ali, ali, alo,
Ils mangent la viande et nous donnent les os,
Ils mangent la mie, et nous donnent les croûtent".
ali, ali, ali, alo, ali, alo"
Translation : Ali, alo...for Mashero....ali...
They eat the flesh and give us the bones,
They eat the crumb and give us the crust,
ali... alo....
Sens du texte : A partir de maintenant, sur Blogger, on doit payer pour publier nos propres photos, alors que c'était gratuit avant...
Les professionnels que ce soit en musique, en photo, en littérature, sont payés pour leurs oeuvres, les amateurs, même si leurs oeuvres sont aussi bonnes doivent payer pour les publier, alors le beau mouvement de littérature amateur, de photographe amateurs, de cinéastes amateurs, de musiciens amateurs, de chanteurs amateurs qui ont souvent de plus belles voix que les pros, qui avait commencé grâce aux blogs, va s'éteindre.
Que si notre quantité de photos est trop grande et qu'on est obligé de payer pour les photos publiées jadis gratuitement a postériori et sans en avoir été prévenu avant, alors qu'ils nous laissent au moins choisir quelles photos on garde sur les blogs. Et les blogs de photos quotidiennes (Daily photo) vont se trouver avec des trous... que pour moi (perle de rosée), ils ont déjà...

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